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Tuesday, October 27, 2020


Creativity comes from imagination, dreams and sometimes artist ability. In the article " The New Math of Mash-ups" by Sasha frere Jones, we read about artists taking a risk and jumping out of their comfort zone to create a song. Creativity embraces the new and old and jumps in with two feet. The only way we evolve is through creativity, with the help of curiosity and imagination there is no where telling where we will end up. "

Twitter serves up ideas" This article is about opening doors of a company to creativity, Twitter opened the doors to all. The company wanted to understand people better so it let users come in and put there ideas to work. This was a creativity led campaign that help make Twitter a juggernaut amongst other Social Media platforms. Sometimes you have to think outside the box.


Creativity and New Media

 The virtual world of second life has relaxing background music to help guide you as you explore the different worlds offered to meet and chat with others. You have the option to build your own little slice of paradise within some of these places as you get acquainted with the system tools. I was satisfied with the fact that I could fly everywhere. My connection forced me to slow down a little and explore some of the islands with my biker vampire avatar and I enjoyed it. I think with more exploring you can really get lost and have some fun in this place. This is me getting lost in on some enchanted island. In real life  I am bald and miss having hair so I gave my avatar some, Here he is.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Modeling Reality With Virtual Worlds

 Second Life is a Virtual World where the user can become anything he wants. The user has to simply make who he or she wants be. It can be used to explore a road not chosen because of unforeseen events that happened in your life, it could be a dream or a fantasy that you would like to enact. It was featured in the hit sitcom “The Office” for an episode during the Writer Guild strike a decade ago. 

 In the article "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?”, Jackie Morie discusses how Virtual Worlds can be designed to help soldiers mentally prepare to civilian life after serving their country. Many students of all ages use these kinds of sights for social connection and learning. Virtual World can bring out the creativity in these soldiers by tapping into ideas and thoughts that may have been buried deep in their consciousness. In the virtual world, your mind is limitless as to what it can make and create, with this in mind it can translate to unlocking a new skill or love that may help in treatment. This can be helpful in many cases of PTSD.  

The use of a virtual platform is now being used for critical thinking and crisis management. At the University of Stanford and Michigan, they have launched workshops for their medical students to give them a taste of what a crisis looks like before intern. Disaster management, how and when to quarantine a contagious person. These drills are timedthrough repetition can add a necessary calmness, in the face of danger for a new doctor. Unfortunately, this is a simulation and it cannot replace real life, but it can give you a little comfort in this sometimes-unforgiving world.   


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Blog About Twitter

 How does a Twitter discussion compare to a Blackboard Discussion? To an in-class discussion? 

Twitter and Blackboard are very different, Twitter is public meanwhile Blackboard exists through a college servers and operate privately. You can add video and links to your posts on both sites. They can be an educational tools by sharing files and data, but the real difference is the restraints.   

A blackboard discussion is for your cohorts and your professor to see. No random person is going to chime in to discuss your points, or repost a brilliant observation you made about a subject. Topics are picked and discussed, we have to stick to the subject matter and we are graded by it. If there is plagiarism oyour blackboard you can be subject harsh penalties from colleges and universities. This can lead to a failing grade or expulsion. Twitter will just tell you to take it down, no risk to your future, no black mark on your record. Blackboard has no character limits, so if it takes you 500 words to make your point, have at it. The best thing about blackboard is the fact that it is private, so if you mess up on a post, the Pope won’t have a chance to comment on it.   

Twitter is can be used a s sounding board to start a movement and rally people to protest. It can be used as cheap way to talk to your fellow constituents to get a message out quickly. Twitter is unfortunately limited to 280 characters per post. This is small compared to Blackboard. Tweets are public so anyone can reply to what your tweeting, unlike blackboard. With the right message at the right time your thought can be heard around the world in an instant. People will chime in, debate their stance, and a matter that could been overlooked by many has become seen by all. You don’t have that platform in Blackboard, but you can start the conversation there. See what your classmates think, before you show the world. 

Social Networking Sites

 LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and Tik Tok, are social media platforms that connect people all around the world. Each has it own specific way of having people of all ages communicate with friends, followers or family. 

LinkedIn is a business based website, made to help future professionals connect with each other through networking by common interestsYou can post resume’s and get help with structure through tutorials if needed. You can apply to jobs, connect with people in the industry and get a better outlook on the day to day activities.  You showcase certifications to further your chance at employment. Unlike the other sites LinkedIn is a about building your own network to keep up with changes in the industry and solidify employment. 

Twitter has many uses, file sharing, fundraising, to name a couple that come to mind. People don’t really use all of Twitter’s tools, they tweet about what is going on in the world in real time. You are limited as to how long your post can be, but if you add a video you can get your point across. Debates on policy and swift reaction to breaking news is what twitter is known for. You can catch up on the latest topics that people are talking about from all around the world and chime in.  

Facebook is one of the oldest platforms and these days has been labeled the more compete social media platform. You can express a long dictation about something you are passionate about and not have to care about how characters you use. You can buy and sell new or slightly used merchandise. You can call people if you are in an area with WIFI. You can see job postings, keep up with family, friends and co-workers. Facebook even has a memorial page you for loved ones who have past to keep the memory of a departed loved one alive. 

Tik Tok and Instagram are very similar, they ask the public to put of  a video and share things about their everyday lives. We as people love to read about  the everyday struggle of life. We watch dramas on tv and see it in the movies. Here is a chance to see a non-actor do it live. Its humans unedited, both sites have some sort of lingering challenge that people will attempt while we spectate. They offer filters to change our appearance to laugh at ourselves. Instagram takes it one step further in allowing you use it as educational tool as well. I have learned how to make many quick dishes for my family and also ,masks to protect them, all from Instagram videos. 

The differences in these sites are what make these platform worthwhile. You want to make a splash with a statement go to Twitter, if you need a job or unsure about career choices head to LinkedIn. If you need an all purpose platform try Facebook, and lastly if you wanna show what your skills for comedy or education try Instagram or Tik Tok. So, we can, use these sites for fun, but don’t forget there many things you can learn from them as well. 

Next New NYC APP People Participating Playing in Parks

              A version of New Media I would like to see that has not come out yet would be  a person counter for small parks.  I have seen ...